5 Ways Holistic Therapy Can Heal in Burnout Recovery

Feeling utterly exhausted, disconnected, and like you’re running on empty can be signs of burnout. It's more than just needing a good night's sleep; it's like your inner light has dimmed. You’re not alone, and there are natural, gentle ways to guide your spirit, body, and mind back to a place of health and vitality. Holistic therapy offers a compassionate, comprehensive approach to healing from burnout, emphasizing the connection between mind, body, and spirit. Here, we explore five holistic therapies that can play a crucial role in your journey back from burnout, helping to raise and heal your vibe.

Burnout Symptoms You May Not Know About

burnout symptoms

What does your mental image of burnout look like?

It’s probably some overworked woman who looks completely exhausted with dark circles under her eyes and messy hair. While that might be how some people show signs of burnout, there are some lesser-known burnout symptoms you should keep on your radar like what you’ll read below.

  • Sleep Problems: this is more than tossing and turning every so often. According to Penn Medicine, insomnia and restlessness are linked with burnout.

  • Tummy Troubles: pain, bloating, nausea, constipation, and diarrhea have all been linked to burnout because they tend to be more present when you’re stressed.

  • Weight Gain: our bodies have a biological response to stress – rising cortisol levels which have been linked to weight gain. Chronic stress, which is another symptom of burnout, increases your cortisol levels.

  • Compromised Immune System: once again, we have stress to thank for this one but it’s because stress sets off an inflammatory response in our body which can damage tissue and could weaken your immune system.

  • Muscle Pain: since burnout is linked to stress, it’s not a far reach to throw in this physical symptom because stress can cause tension in your head, back, neck, and shoulders. Massage therapists will tell you that tension will run throughout your body, throwing it out of whack and creating muscle pain.

  • Pessimistic Attitude: if you’ve been more irritable lately and caught yourself with negative thoughts – you are likely burnt out and have adopted a critical and pessimistic viewpoint. 

Top 5 Ways Holistic Therapy Heals

#1 Mind-Body-Spirit Reconnection

By looking at the whole person instead of just one aspect, holistic therapy aims to repair your mind-body-spirit connection as you go through burnout recovery. When we focus on helping your overall well-being, you’re more likely to find lasting relief. 

#2 Prioritizing Self-Care

Since we’re looking at the total person and not just one area that needs healing, holistic therapists (like me) put a heavy focus on self-care because it helps you replenish that empty cup you’ve been trying to pour from. 

#3 Getting to the Root of Your Burnout

No shade to traditional therapy but holistic therapy will often go further and deeper to get to the root cause of your burnout. We’re probably going to explore past trauma, family dynamics, difficult life experiences, and your lifestyle to create a truly unique plan that’s tailored towards helping you heal and keeping the cycle of burnout from repeating itself.

#4 Improves Your Mental Health, Energy, Focus, & Confidence

Let’s be real - holistic therapists are still therapists and our job is centered around helping you improve your mental health. Holistic therapy aims to dig deeper. We want to remove the barriers that keep you from leading the life you want to live. Holistic therapy works to get you out of survival mode where burnout is more likely to happen and move you to a place where your body feels rested, your mind feels focused, and your spirit is energized. As with any therapy, the more you give, the more you get which can improve your confidence as you recover from burnout.

#5 Teaches You How to Take Care of Yourself Mentally & Physically

Since holistic therapy isn’t one form of therapy but a spectrum of therapies, modalities like meditation, breathwork, yoga, and CBT can help you learn to take care of your mental and physical health during stressful situations or points in your life. To be honest, stress doesn’t go away but your ability to cope with it positively is going to make all the difference in your mind, body, and spirit connection.

Holistic Therapies that Help Heal Burnout

  • Burnout can make us feel disconnected from our bodies, leading to a cycle where we ignore our need for rest and healing. Somatic therapy focuses on this mind-body connection, encouraging you to tune into your body's signals. It teaches coping strategies through physical movement and awareness, helping to release the stress that’s stored in your body.

    Similarly, yoga therapy adapts yoga practices to individual needs, promoting recovery from burnout by enhancing your physical and emotional well-being. Through poses, breathwork, and meditation, it gently encourages the restoration of balance, fostering a sense of calm and connection.

  • Get ready to explore and elevate your spirit! Transpersonal therapy goes beyond the physical, exploring your spiritual and emotional dimensions. It acknowledges that recovering from burnout isn't just about the body but also involves finding meaning, purpose, and a deeper connection to yourself and the world around you.

    Meditation complements this by offering a way to quiet the mind, center your thoughts, and connect with your inner self. Regular meditation practice can help manage stress, reduce burnout symptoms, and elevate your overall vibe, bringing clarity and peace.

  • Sometimes we need to breathe new life into our healing process. Breathwork is a powerful tool for overcoming burnout. By focusing on controlled breathing techniques, you can influence your mental, emotional, and physical state. It's a way to signal to your body that it's time to relax and begin the healing process. This practice can help lower stress levels, improve emotional health, and recharge your energy levels.

  • EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing) is a psychotherapy treatment designed to alleviate the distress associated with traumatic memories, such as those that can contribute to burnout. It helps your brain reprocess these memories, allowing you to move forward with a lighter load.

    Reiki, a form of energy healing, aims to improve the flow and balance of your energy to support healing. It’s a subtle yet impactful way to address both the physical and emotional effects of burnout, helping to recharge your batteries and promote a sense of peace and well-being.

  • Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) is incredibly effective in treating burnout symptoms by helping you identify and challenge negative thought patterns and behaviors that contribute to your stress. It provides practical coping strategies and tools to adjust your thought processes, enabling a more positive and manageable outlook on life.


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